Bow falls in Banff

Looking at some of Bosch's paintings of hell, he made some awesome color choices, and I think they hold up to modernity really well.

These were from a walk in the park. I really wasn't able to get much more than just color dabs here, and discovered it's tough to paint outside (from reflections in the screen). I found it easiest to find a shady tree to hide under.

I came back to this one at home and added the red....thing...because I want to be cool.

On a drive with my sister, I sat in the passenger seat drawing things as they passed.

Drawing the ocean to relax.

A little guy fighting the 90's

A creature that eats trees and poops bricks. They slowly turn forests into bricked wastelands. Believe it.

Just a big cube tank in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.