Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Time capsule

I am so excited. I found a time capsule.

A lot of my older images are gone. Poor backup habits, several machine changes and a few blow ups have separated me from a large chunk of my artistic past.

BUT the other day, while randomly image browsing (a dangerous pastime, I know) I spotted a thumbnail that made my heart skip a beat. It was an ancient, almost prehistoric painting of mine. I clicked it gently, almost afraid the link would fall apart like an exhumed scroll. What I found was my very own Tutankhamen's Tomb.

Here are just a few of the artifacts I found. I think it's funny that in many ways I'm doing EXACTLY the same thing that I was doing 15 years ago. The techniques and muscle memory may have developed, but I am most certainly still chasing the same old star.

(side note: It's a shot in the dark, but if anyone reading this happens to have any ancient images of mine collecting just on a hard drive out there, I would be ever so grateful to have them sent my way)


  1. I was going to recommend checking back at Elfwood/Lothlorien for any of your old stuff. That's where I discovered you WAY back when and have been following you ever since.

    It's awesome to see how far you've come.

  2. Awwwwwesome work Matt! love the ME and DA works you posted on last post

  3. I remember there being a Rhodes Brothers website at one point having a ton of old work of yours --- and one before that. Both seems to no longer be around. Will check my archive.

    However, a quick search found this interview with a number of older work attached at the end:


  4. Ohh matt, if you wanted to see your old work, im sure tons of us have a folder full of stuff :D I know I do!

  5. @jer Sadly I deleted that elfwood gallery over a decade ago. Checking it now is a nostalgiasplosion.

    @shawn sanders Thanks! If you find anything I'd be thrilled. And yeah, re-mined that interview a couple years ago.

    @randall whiteis Holy shit, it's Randall. How've you been? Seriously if you have a folder stashed away you'll be my hero.

  6. Hey! I gotta a folder of some of your old stuff from '06. I had to did it out, but I've got it if you want it. Don't know how much of it you already have, but I'd be glad to help out. Been inspiring me for a long time, so just tell me where to send them.

  7. @Jameson Dude, thank you. If you could send them to mattr@gmail.com that'd be great

  8. It couldn't send to that address, said it didn't exist. So I found your mattrhodesart@gmail.com and sent it there. Lemme know if you still don't have it.

  9. There's a chance I may have some of your work saved on a CD somewhere. I'll try to find it and hope it isn't past its expiration date. I hope I saved an image you did using scans of medical illustrations, that one burned itself into my brain pretty well.

  10. That was easier than I thought it would be. And my hope has been fulfilled. Oh yeah... that's good stuff.

  11. I actually have a bunch of you and tom's things saved on a cd somewhere. let me see if i can find it.

  12. Hey Matt! Here's a stash, some of your newer stuff, but I recall I snagged most of these back at ca.org in the olden days :)


    Thank you for the inspiration, and setting the bar high.

  13. I remember the one with the girl washing her clothes!

  14. Many folks have already offered their stash, but I thought I'd offer mine anyway. Some drawings are dating back to 2004 and the folder itself has so many drawings in it it's embarassing. Almost 9 years of stuff :) Anyway, let me know if you're still looking for more older pieces!

  15. these, along with Aysha Shehim's work, are what inspired me to become an artist.

  16. Hi Matt,

    It's really inspiring to see where you came from as an artist. Even in your old pieces there are so many hints at where your style was going - it's fun to look back. There's a site called waybackmachine ( http://archive.org/web/web.php ), if you know the URLS of the old galleries, there might be internet archives of them.

    Do you know if you'll be back at PAX this year?

  17. Matt, I crawled your server about 12 years ago (back when such things were possible and not hidden in password-protected vaults) and I have MANY of your early works on my backup drive. I'd be happy to send them along if you will send me your e-mail. My address is 23tauri@gmail.com

    - Jake Lauser

  18. Hi Matt,
    I've been a fan/collector since Elfwood, and your work has been a huge inspiration to me as an illustrator.

    Here's a zip file I've collected of old work of yours: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sjsp84jzm866135/Old%20Matt%20Rhodes.zip

    Thanks for all you've done!
    - Adam

  19. Dude. Why did you stop using lens flares?


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